Resuming the ancient environment of mammal fossils in hama cave based on gis 技术恢复蛤蟆洞哺乳动物化石群古生态环境
Cenozoic stratigraphic sequence of the linxia basin in gansu , china and its evidence from mammal fossils 中生代哺乳动物吞食小恐龙的化石证据
Preliminary results indicate that the tuozidong deposits possibly belong to the early pleistocene to early middle pleistocene that the upper tuozidong deposits containing mammal fossils were probably formed during warm climate 初步研究表明驼子洞堆积可能是跨早更新世与中更新世早期的地层,其上部含哺乳动物化石的堆积可能反映了偏暖的气候环境。
In particular , it provides unique information about the early stages of the evolution of mammals and includes exceptionally well - preserved mammal fossils , ranging from fully articulated skeletons to the contents of stomachs of animals of this period 在该遗址发现了许多保存完好的哺乳动物化石,包括关节骨骼和当时动物胃中遗留食物的化石,这些都为研究哺乳动物的早期进化提供了独一无二的信息。
2s ( th / u4u and 227th / 2x " th dating on two mammal fossil teeth gave age ranging from 85 to 139 ka , which evidence the stratigraphic order between the capping flowstone and the underlying fossil - bearing deposits and support to the age assignment of older than ca . aoo ka to die hominid fossil teeth 伴生的貘牙化石和鹿牙化石的二种铀系法年代范围为85 - 139ka ,表明该地点含化石堆积与表层钙板间无地层倒序现象,支持人牙化石大于100ka的结论。